We are rooted in the West. When AEMA goes to Washington, D.C., we carry the voice and expertise of 1,800 members from 46 states – members who see and experience federal law and policy every day. Policymakers on Capitol Hill and at the agencies hear from AEMA frequently on the issues that matter to hardrock miners.
Approximately 80% of AEMA members are small businesses. We understand the unique needs of small suppliers, miners, and exploration companies when it comes to elevating your voice to the policymakers. AEMA is frequently called upon to be that voice on your behalf in Washington, DC and elsewhere.
AEMA is recognized nationally as the voice for maintaining responsible access to our public lands. Our members take the social contract with the public seriously. We fight to keep public land open for business while respecting other public uses.
Photo courtesy of South32 Hermosa
Our team has built a robust network of partners in both state and national industry associations to strengthen our ability to represent our members on cross-cutting issues.
Nothing can impact a mine project more than the threat of an endangered species. AEMA is at the forefront of pushing back against regulatory overreach in the name of species conservation. We led the fight to stop the federal government from using the Greater Sage-grouse and other species to stop mining.
AEMA adopted its Statement of Environmental Principles in 1998 to communicate the modern mining industry’s commitment to environmental responsibility and sustainability to the public and policymakers.
AEMA & its members have a strong commitment to promote health and safety principles as essential elements of exploration and mining, ensuring that every worker comes home safely at the end of every shift.
Minerals and metals are the building blocks for everything from infrastructure and health care to national defense, clean energy and electric vehicles, necessitating a reliable domestic supply chain. AEMA advocates strongly for policies to ensure that Made in America includes Mined in America.
An inefficient federal permitting system has resulted in the U.S. being increasingly dependent on foreign sources of minerals. AEMA advocates strongly for comprehensive permitting reform, including litigation reform, to enable mining projects to be permitted in a timely manner.
A skilled workforce is critical to the current and future success of the mining industry. AEMA works closely with policymakers, mining schools, and allied stakeholders to ensure the industry has the skilled workers needed to meet our Nation’s growing demand for minerals.
We also work hard to build partnerships with other associations that maximize AEMA’s reach and effectiveness in Washington, D.C., and around the country.
AEMA uses a variety of tools to create a two-way flow of information that keeps our members and D.C. up-to-date on our activities. These tools include newsletters, statements, mythbusters, social media, infographics, videos, white papers, and standing committees to facilitate member involvement in a variety of topics.