AEMA Applauds CEQ Proposal to Update NEPA


Media Contact: Kenna O’Neill —  

Spokane Valley, WA – The American Exploration & Mining Association (AEMA) applauds the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) for today’s much-needed proposal to modernize and clarify its National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations. As one of the first environmental laws in this country, NEPA was landmark legislation, signaling the dawning of environmental awareness and the first step down the path of enacting what has become a comprehensive and effective federal and state statutory framework to protect the environment.

“Simply put, NEPA is broken. While a NEPA analysis has become ‘standard operating procedure’ for our members, it also has become increasingly more cumbersome, time consuming and expensive,” said AEMA Executive Director Mark Compton. “NEPA is no longer the planning and decision-making tool it was designed to be. Instead, it has become the tool used by obstructionist groups who oppose responsible and lawful mineral development on federal public lands. Reforming the NEPA process and creating a more efficient permitting system are critical to improving the competitiveness of the domestic mining industry, job creation, and decreasing our reliance on foreign sources of energy and minerals.”

AEMA will submit detailed comments on the proposed rule during the comment period.


The White House Council on Environmental Quality today issued a proposed rule to modernize its NEPA regulations, which were issued more than four decades ago. If finalized, the proposed rule would comprehensively update the 1978 regulations.

There have been more NEPA lawsuits than under any other environmental statute. Delays in reviews and decision-making can hold back the American economy, slowing the development of critical infrastructure, including roads, bridges, highways, transmission lines, and energy and mineral projects, and deters future investment in projects that will enhance quality of life across the country.

CEQ’s proposed rule would codify important aspects of the Trump Administration’s One Federal Decision policy, including establishing a two year time limit and improving agency coordination through development by the lead agency of a joint schedule; preparation of a single EIS and joint record of decision; and procedures to elevate and resolve disputes that could lead to delays. Additionally, CEQ has proposed provisions setting presumptive page limits, and for determining the appropriate level of NEPA review, ensuring timely submission of relevant information to inform decision-making, and facilitating the use of existing State, Tribal, and local studies, analyses, and environmental documents, among other things.

About AEMA: American Exploration & Mining Association is a 129 year old, 1,800 member, national association representing the minerals industry. With members in 46 states, AEMA is the recognized national voice for exploration, the junior mining sector, maintaining access to public lands, and represents the entire mining life cycle, from exploration through production to reclamation and closure.


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