AEMA Applauds Bipartisan Permitting Package


Media Contact: Kenna O’Neill —  

The American Exploration & Mining Association (AEMA) issued the following statement in response to today’s announcement from Senate Energy and Natural Resources Chairman Manchin and Ranking Member Barrasso of a bipartisan permitting reform package.

“Our inefficient federal permitting system is a significant deterrent to attracting investment in the United States to explore for and develop strategic mineral resources, and it has resulted in the U.S. being increasingly reliant on foreign countries. Given the reality of geopolitical tensions and the exponentially increasing global demand for minerals, it is more important than ever that we address permitting in a comprehensive manner. Importantly, this legislation addresses the flawed Rosemont decision by providing much-need certainty that mineral projects can reasonably use federal land for mine support activities. We greatly appreciate the hard work of Chairman Manchin and Ranking Member Barrasso to get to this point, and for their bipartisan leadership to elevate these important issues. The permitting reforms in this deal are a good start, and we look forward to working with both sides of the aisle to see they become law,” said AEMA Executive Director Mark Compton.


About AEMA: American Exploration & Mining Association is a 129 year old, 1,800 member, national association representing the minerals industry. With members in 46 states, AEMA is the recognized national voice for exploration, the junior mining sector, maintaining access to public lands, and represents the entire mining life cycle, from exploration through production to reclamation and closure.


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